I adopted a cat to keep my other cat company. It has been quite the adventure. He is fearless. He is rambunctious. He is all boy, all the time. Nothing is truly safe in his presence. Hence his name, “Lokai” (an adaptation of Loki – the Norse God of Mischief).
One of the reasons I enjoy animals so much is that I learn valuable lessons from them, and Lokai has been a great teacher. A few nights ago he gave me a yet another wonderful lesson.
I’ve been working on my home lately – swapping rooms, doing some painting, doing some purging, etc. This process has created piles. Lots of piles. This is paradise for Lokai. He has had the time of his life exploring, toppling, pouncing and otherwise engaging with the various treasures around the house – breaking several in the process.
The other night I heard a loud crash in the bedroom and I went running in to find out what had happened. Somehow, he had gotten up on the top shelf and knocked my iron off, breaking it into little pieces of worthless rubble. Now, I’m not normally all that attached to my iron. But, since I am living out of piles while my room is torn apart, there is a greater need to remove wrinkles. So, I found myself feeling crabby and somewhat fed up with his exploration and antics.
I called my Mom to vent a little (and not act on the cat torture fantasies I was having). By the time we were through talking we were both laughing and I was remembering all the good things Lokai brings into my life.
I was also reminded that, like him, we all find ourselves in environments that are not natural to us. Think about it… were any of us really meant to spend time in cubicles? Given that, we have to learn to adapt so we can function effectively and get along. When others (both human and animal) enter our environment, they will generally experience a learning curve.
It pays to remember that the environment that has become natural to us is not necessarily natural to others, and it is our responsibility to help the newbies learn what it means to be a part of our world. By being patient and offering assistance as they attune to their new surroundings, we can foster strong relationships and help people (or cats) be more successful – both personally and professionally.
Wishing you patience with those who are learning (including yourself) –
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