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/Tag: strength

Increasing Strength

Today is our fourth in a series on “The 5 Sensations of Fitness” (FAMMS) included in our Nia practice, which are:

  • Flexibility
  • Agility
  • Mobility
  • Strength 
  • Stability

To practice the Five Sensations, become aware of what each sensation feels like in your body, and determine which sensations you tend to overdo or under-do. Then apply the Five Sensations to heal and create the body you desire. We include each of these Five Sensations in a Nia workout to promote healing and overall fitness.

Today I’m focusing on #4, STRENGTH.

Strength is the core of the power you exert in your life. It is the force that protects: the Warrior and the Lioness. Physical strength allows you to consciously engage your body and mind to use specific muscles to achieve a desired result that requires force.

Strength is sensed as energy moving inward. It is the physical feeling of containing and sustaining power. Dynamic strength is the perfect action between contraction and […]

2019-02-07T16:10:19-08:00September 25th, 2018|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments