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/Tag: growth

Green and Growing or Ripe and Rotting?

Years ago I worked for a training company, and one of the things management used to ask us fairly regularly was if we were “green and growing or ripe and rotting” – the idea being that we were always either one or the other.

So, how do we know which it is?

I have found that when I am green and growing, I am generally at least a little bit uncomfortable. And, I’ve been feeling pretty uncomfortable lately as I take on learning to teach a dance fusion class called Nia. This tells me that I’m definitely green and growing.

It started out as a low-key thing to support myself in having convenient access to a workout I enjoy. But, it has grown into something much larger.

As I trained, (much to my surprise) I discovered that I really enjoy the process and I want it as a bigger part of my life. I also discovered that learning […]

2018-11-19T15:15:15-08:00July 17th, 2017|Tags: |0 Comments