Years ago I worked for a training company, and one of the things management used to ask us fairly regularly was if we were “green and growing or ripe and rotting” – the idea being that we were always either one or the other.
So, how do we know which it is?
I have found that when I am green and growing, I am generally at least a little bit uncomfortable. And, I’ve been feeling pretty uncomfortable lately as I take on learning to teach a dance fusion class called Nia. This tells me that I’m definitely green and growing.
It started out as a low-key thing to support myself in having convenient access to a workout I enjoy. But, it has grown into something much larger.
As I trained, (much to my surprise) I discovered that I really enjoy the process and I want it as a bigger part of my life. I also discovered that learning to teach has been a lot harder for me than I expected it to be, which has me stretching mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually in ways I could not have anticipated.
I love that feeling – most of the time. Sometimes I feel like I’m way out of my league. I don’t have a dance or fitness background. What was I thinking?
Then I remember that those thoughts and feelings are completely normal when we step into something new and, sadly, that is why many people don’t go on to do things that might keep them green and growing. It is so easy to let feelings of doubt derail us and keep us from doing something that nourishes our soul and allows us to share our gifts in new ways.
What about you? Is there something that has been calling to you to step up and step in? Have you had feelings of doubt that kept you from pursuing those dreams? Has your self talk gotten in your way, or has it carried you forward?
What would it take for you to take the next step towards whatever it is you want for yourself?
I invite you to set aside some quiet time to answer that question for yourself, and then do it. It doesn’t have to be a big step, just a step… and then another. Before you know it you’ll have made great progress towards being, doing and having more of what you want for yourself. You’ll find that you are, indeed, green and growing – if you aren’t already!
Here’s to taking your next step with confidence and joy!
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