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Flowing with Mobility

///Flowing with Mobility

Flowing with Mobility

Today is our third in a series on “The 5 Sensations of Fitness” (FAMMS) included in our Nia practice, which are:

  • Flexibility
  • Agility
  • Mobility
  • Strength 
  • Stability

To practice the five sensations, become aware of what each sensation feels like in your body. Next, determine which sensation/s you tend to overdo or under-do. Then apply the five sensations to heal and create the body you desire. We include each of these 5 sensations in a Nia workout to promote healing and overall fitness.

Today I’m focusing on #3, MOBILITY.

Mobility can be sensed in the body as energy in constant motion. It is the physical feeling of flowing with fluidity to the full range of motion available in each joint.

Mobility teaches us how to be free spirits, following the flow of energy. It spirals and waves much like the rolling of the ocean – constantly alive, moving, undulating, flowing… seeking to explore the frontiers of space and take you where you want to go!

Dynamic mobility relaxes the body and promotes a feeling of youthful freedom and personal expression through movement.

When you sense mobility, you can sustain whole-body movement with a flair for creative engagement with the world around you. The sensation of mobility is nourished by continually moving your joints, without opening them nor closing them all the way. It is practiced by freely and systemically engaging your muscles, bones and joints in harmony with each other.

Loss of mobility is sensed as tightness, stiffness, constriction, pain and fatigue. When you are losing mobility, you notice diminished power, balance, grace, speed, coordination.

Assess your mobility by trying these tips:

  1. While standing, slowly rise onto the balls of both feet, bringing both heels high off the ground. Sustain elevated balance. Then slowly lower both heels back down, sensing for mobility in your feet and ankle joints as you move up and down.
  2. Freely move your upper arm in all directions: up, down, front, back, and around. Sense for mobility in your shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. Notice any areas of resistance. Repeat with the other arm.
  3. Undulate your spine and notice any areas that feel constricted as explore your range of motion.
  4. Stand on one leg while lifting the other leg. Rotate your leg around the ball of your hip joint, noticing any areas where it doesn’t move smoothly. Do this with the other leg, as well.

Ask yourself, “How much mobility do I currently sense in my body, and where could I develop more mobility in order to achieve increased flow and sustained movement in response to daily challenges?”

Enjoy the flow!

See our schedule of classes

2019-02-07T15:58:21-08:00September 17th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

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