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/Tag: Healing

Take the Path of Least Resistance

This is the last in a series on the Six Fundamentals of Nia. I hope you’ve enjoyed learning more about the Six Fundamentals, and that you’re able to apply them in all of your activities for greater health and well-being.

Today I’m focusing on Number Six: Take the Path of Least Resistance.

In Nia, we move away from pain and move towards pleasure.

Contrary to the well known message of “No pain. No gain.” that many of us were raised on, in our practice we believe a more natural, easy way of movement is the key to fitness for life. The militaristic, punishing element often found in traditional fitness is generally not sustainable in the long term, nor is it as effective in the short term.

When you strain, you create psychological resistance, rather than enthusiasm and self-respect. Physically, you are more likely to injure your body when you are pushing to excess, rather than listening to the body’s way. (See “

2019-04-04T20:50:35-07:00April 4th, 2019|Tags: , , , |0 Comments