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/Tag: communication

Commit to Listening

listen“They just won’t listen to me!” is a cry that I often hear from employers, significant others, parents, etc. What I have found is that when these same people commit to listening to the very folks they are frustrated with for not listening, magic occurs.

We’ve all heard the old saying, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” It is true in all relationships, both personal and professional. When people know that we genuinely care about them, they are much more willing to do what we ask, or at least meet us in the middle. Listening demonstrates caring.

Context Associated (a training company) teaches a model for communication called “The Agreement Creation Process”. It is a powerful tool for finding common ground that I will share with you today.


  1. Know my point of view
  2. Believe in it (Be aware of the value).
  3. Commit to listen to […]
2018-11-03T21:23:28-07:00January 19th, 2016|Tags: , |0 Comments