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/Tag: choices

Deliberately Choose Your Path

pathWhen I decided the last month to begin hosting a discussion group at my home on ‘Voluntary Simplicity’, I really didn’t know what I was in for. I naturally tend to lead a pretty simple life. So, I thought that it would be a fun way to spend some quality time with my friends, learn about them on a deeper level, and, as a bonus, I would probably pick up a couple of interesting ideas.

It has turned out to be a far richer experience than I had imagined. The major premise of the material challenges us to live deliberately, thoughtfully, creatively and deeply. This is much more than I had thought of when I first took this on. So, I’ve been pondering the concepts a lot as they relate to all parts of my life. What does it really mean to live deliberately, thoughtfully, creatively and deeply?

It calls into question what really matters for […]

2018-11-03T21:23:29-07:00April 29th, 2013|Tags: , |0 Comments