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/Tag: coaching

Coaching for Problem Employees

Business owners often approach me about coaching their problem employees. They want to make them do coaching to fix their weaknesses and bring them up to higher levels of performance. While this can occasionally be effective, more often than not there is only moderate improvement with this approach.

Focusing on fixing weaknesses rarely yields great success. Building on strengths yields far more significant changes, especially over time. People can develop their talents so well that their weaknesses are no longer relevant. This not only dramatically improves job performance it increases job satisfaction, as well. It only makes sense: the more we get to do what we’re good at, the more we like what we’re doing!

So, how do you choose which people to invest in? Before I answer that, I’m going to ask you to take a look at your business . Where do you tend to make your largest investments? Where you can get the best return, right? […]

2018-11-03T21:23:28-07:00February 23rd, 2016|Tags: , |0 Comments