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/Tag: change

Success Through Daily Habits

Habits 3-DIn my work with clients it is not uncommon for me to hear people talk about having a bad day, a bad week, a bad month or a bad year. When we start digging into why, I often find out that they weren’t consistently doing business building activities.

There are two reasons that are most commonly shared:

  1. I had a lot of business come in and I was busy.
  2. I don’t like selling.

I think most of us enjoy doing the technical part of our business very much. That’s generally the reason we began doing it in the first place. But, we can never be truly successful as entrepreneurs until we embrace client creation as a part of what we do. Notice I said “client creation” and not “sales”. I say that because it is important to know the kind of client relationship you want to create and then develop daily habits that connect you with that […]

2018-11-19T15:17:20-08:00June 27th, 2016|Tags: , , |1 Comment

The Importance of Proactive Change Management

crazyThe Kruse Way Economic Forum is a venue for informed presentations and open discussion of social, economic, and political issues affecting the Portland metro area and the Pacific Northwest. at one of these meetings, three business owners shared how they were able to survive, and ultimately thrive, during tough economic times by practicing change management. The three businesses were: Deek and Bryan’s Next Adventure, Imperial Stock Ranch, and Miles Fiberglass and Composites.

Each of the businesses faced challenges, both because of economic changes and because of impacts to their industries. But, each of these businesses chose not to focus on what they couldn’t change. Rather, they chose to focus on what they could do through proactive change management.

For Deek and Bryan’s, it involved looking at what they do best: used gear. They looked at how they could most effectively market that, without letting go of new gear sales. They became creative by looking […]

2018-11-19T15:26:05-08:00April 27th, 2016|Tags: , |0 Comments