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Out with the Old Goals and In with the New

///Out with the Old Goals and In with the New

Out with the Old Goals and In with the New

old_newWith the new year rapidly approaching I find that many people are starting to think about New Year’s Resolutions and goals for new year. For some, this is a joyful experience and for others it is a painful one.

Given that, I’m offering some suggestions for making this an enjoyable process of learning and growth that will take you into the new year positively acknowledging the year gone by and looking forward to the coming one.

Begin by reflecting on this past year. Ask yourself:

  1. What am I most proud of?
  2. What have I learned this year?
  3. How have I grown?

Now, take a look at the goals you set for yourself last year.

  1. Acknowledge yourself for progress made and goals accomplished.
  2. Next, look at the things you didn’t do. Are they still important? Or, has your life changed in such a way that it is time to change some of your goals?
  3. If a goal is still important, look at how you can approach it differently to make more progress in the coming year.
  4. If it is no longer important, acknowledge the changes you have made that led you to this new place and think about what you would like to create now, instead.

When you have a list of your goals for the coming year, review what you have chosen. Ask yourself if it is what you truly want or if anything on your list is something you think you should want. Those shoulds are the ones that lead to frustration. Now is the time to be honest with yourself. If any of the items on your list are not things you truly want, release them and put your time and energy into creating what really matters to you.

Be sure to include both personal and professional goals. One of my favorite sayings is, “Never confuse having a career with having a life!” All too often we forget to plan for personal satisfaction and that leads to burnout. A little bit of focus on the front end can keep you from wearing out down the road. So, do remember to look at the big picture of your life. I consider it preventive maintenance.

Now that you know what you’re working towards, put up reminders of what is most important to you where you can see them often. For those who are visual, pictures work well. If you’re a list person, posting the list near your desk or mirror works wonders. If you prefer to hear things, you can make a tape to listen to while you meditate or ride in your car. Say it, sing it… whatever is fun for you and keeps you engaged. The more you remind yourself of what you want, the sooner it will come to you.

Above all, be gentle with yourself as you grow into your future. Notice what’s working and build on that. Acknowledge the steps you take along the way. And, know that your pace, whatever it is, is the right one for you.

Wishing you joy, happiness, and success this holiday season and in the coming year!


2018-11-03T21:23:28-07:00December 15th, 2013|Tags: , |0 Comments

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