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Is this a good time to work with a coach?

This short exercise will give you an idea how ready you are to work with a coach at this time. Coaching works best when the timing is right. So, please take a few minutes to assess if you are at a time in your life when coaching will be an asset to your growth. Instructions: Enter your contact information.Select the number that comes closest to representing how true the statement is for you at this time.

1 = Not at all like me
5 = Very much like me.
Submit form to get your results emailed to you.

I can be relied upon to be on time for all calls and appointments.

I am ready to take a bold step forward in my life and am looking forward to partnering with my coach in that process.

I am ready to be held as competent, creative and resourceful. I know I can have what I want and I am willing to be supported by my coach.

When I say I will do something, I follow through.

I am willing to "try on" new concepts of different ways of doing things - even if I am not sure how it will work for me. I am open-minded.

I will be honest with my coach.

If I feel that I am not getting what I need or expect from the coach, I will discuss this right away so we can move forward effectively.

I am willing to stop or change behaviors that keep me from having what I want.

I see coaching as a valuable investment in my life. I am willing and able to pay the fees and clear time in my schedule to focus on me.

I am at a time in my life when it is important to me to align my values and dreams, and prosper in all areas of my life. I choose purposeful prosperity.