The Nia 5 Stages Practice
Nia 5 Stages is a movement based self-healing practice based on five stages of human development: Embryonic, Creeping, Crawling, Standing and Walking.
Why do Nia 5 Stages?
Consciously moving through these developmental stages as an adult re-integrates the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual elements in such a way that after practicing, participants notice improvements in power, range of motion, and ease in areas of their bodies other forms of exercise do not affect. This process of realignment allows the body to do what it is designed to do: explore its potential, self-heal and develop.
Nia 5 Stages practice results in:
- More energy and vitality
- Improved posture and grace
- Increased Sensory IQ and overall body awareness
- A deep sense of relaxation
- Physical and energetic alignment
Nia 5 Stages practice is excellent for:
- Returning to optimal alignment and functioning
- Releasing tension and blocked energy
- Regaining flexibility, agility, mobility, strength and stability (FAMSS)
- Reclaiming and maintaining joint mobility and muscle balance
- Cross-training for any physical activity
Thoughts on Nia 5 Stages from Debbie Rosas, creator of the process:
Kevin VerEecke, Nia Black Belt Teacher, demonstrates what the movements look like:
Each of the 5 Stages classes includes a lesson focusing on a different body part, way of movement, or sensory experience. These lessons are designed to assist you in becoming more keenly aware of the messages your body sends you to keep you healthy, in alignment and experiencing the joy of movement in all of your activities.
If you are a new student:
- Please print out and fill in the Health Waiver + Image Release form and bring it with you to your first class.
- Check out our Tips for Nia Newbies to enhance your experience.
- Plan to arrive 15 minutes early for your first class so we can do a quick overview of Nia and answer any questions you may have.
I look forward to sharing this wonderful healing practice with you!
See Events Page for locations and schedule.