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Business Newsletter

//Business Newsletter

Creating Clear Marketing Messages

muddleOn a recent call for one of my business development workshops, participants were sharing success stories. These are stories they can use when talking with prospects to give examples of how they have been successful in the past. This is a great way to personalize, and not just give information about what we do. But, it is important that the stories we tell make the point we want them to.

One of the participants shared a great story that left all of us thinking about what we needed to do to weatherize the area under our homes for the winter. It was a wonderful story that had us all engaged and ready to do something. There was only one problem… the action we were motivated to take was not the one he was selling.

Sadly, this isn’t all that uncommon. It is easy to get excited about a great story, or something that has meaning to us and forget […]

2018-11-03T21:23:27-07:00March 27th, 2016|Tags: |0 Comments

Your Best Marketing Strategy

With so many choices available for marketing, how do we know what is the best investment for us? Well, there’s one marketing choice that is a great investment for everyone, no matter what type of business you’re in. What is this magic method? Superior customer service.

You may be wondering how customer service relates to marketing. Well, I believe everything we do when we interact with our customers is sending a message about how important we believe they are and how much we want to work with them. It is letting them know how well we can meet their needs – and isn’t that really what marketing is all about?

We’ve all heard it said that it is much less expensive to keep a customer than it is to get a new one. Well, it’s true in every business. So, given that we know it is less expensive (not to mention easier) to keep a customer than it […]