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52 Moves

//52 Moves
52 Moves2018-11-03T21:23:23-07:00

Nia 52 Moves

The Nia 52 Moves class is a conditioning experience where participants shift from one move to the next approximately every 60 seconds. Different from a Classic Nia class, we progressively make our way through all of the 52 Nia moves within one class. As with Classic Nia, students are encouraged to self-guide their movement, modulating their range of motion, energy dynamics and intensity levels – always paying attention to their body’s way.

Conditioning is accomplished by creatively combining the 7 Cycles, a focus, the moves, minutes, seconds, speed, planes and intensity levels in a dynamic way.

Rather than moving through a set routine, the teacher is creatively adapting while progressively working through each of the 52 moves, so students are challenged to respond in a different way than in a Classic Nia class, developing reflexive conditioning, as well.


See a sample:

Move It is a more vigorous form of the 52 Moves class that includes spikes of anaerobic/metabolic peaks.

Currently, I am in the apprentice program for Move It, and am teaching 52 Moves in some of my Classic Nia classes. I look forward to offering this option in the future.

See Events Page for current schedule.